Sunday, December 29, 2019
Review of Anti-angiogenic Therapy in Breast Cancer - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 872 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/02/06 Category Medicine Essay Level High school Tags: Breast Cancer Essay Did you like this example? Abstract Tumors need sustained blood and nutrition supply in their growth and achieved by vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) families, so the anti-angiogenic therapy(AAGT), which aims at stopping the VEGF route to inhibit the overexpression of VEGF ligand family, have huge potential in curing tumors. But in breast cancer treatment, this kind of treatment did not show great efficiency and efficacy, that means AAGT is not as good as scientists believed initially. But there still be great potential to improve this therapy by combining to other treatment like chemotherapy or gene-target therapy to inhibit its toxicity and tumor cell resistance.. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Review of Anti-angiogenic Therapy in Breast Cancer" essay for you Create order Introduction This opinion paper helps to understand the mechanism of anti-angiogenic therapy(AAGT), its promises, and pitfalls surrounding usage of breast cancer, discuss the present perspective, and explore future direction of both applications of AAGT and treatment of breast cancer. Tumor growth needs a sustained purveyance of nutrients including oxygen to maintain the expansive proliferation of tumor cells. Therefore, the tumor could induce the germination of new vessels from the surrounding vascular [fig1]with several types of cytokines and growth factors especially VEGF-A. Plus, VEGF usually over-express in most solid cancers [1]. Plus, several preclinical research shows that inhibition VEGF works in animal models for suppressing tumor growth[2,3]. Therefore, inhibition of sprouting angiogenesis by blocking the VEGF signaling pathway exists in suppressing tumor in human beings. (Fig 2) [1]. Breast cancer is a malignant tumor arising from the cells of the breast, which is the most common cancer among American women. Breast cancer has more than five different types, including Ductal carcinoma in situ, Invasive ductal carcinoma, Invasive lobular carcinoma and some other much less in common ones[4]. In breast cancer, the level of angiogenesis is relevant to survival, that is, high levels of VEGF and other angiogenic factors indicate high-risk disease correlating with a poor prognosis.[5] Search strategy I gained all the information from current years’ journal paper in both AAGT and breast cancer treatment. Went through those data, analyzed all information provided in recent journals, discussed both advantage and disadvantage of this therapy and came out with the personal presentation of the future usage of AAGT and breast cancer treatment as well. Discussion According to those literatures, I could get the conclusion that 1) the basic mechanism of tumor vessels is thinner the wall of vessel cell owing to lacking pricytes, this diminish changed the permeability within both same and different tumors[6], that abnormal vascularity could increase the tumor resistant to chemotherapeutic agents; 2) VEGF inhibitors cannot provide long-lasting clinical response in all patients [7], where the VEGF-target therapy resistance could be explained with two mechanisms: tumor will not respond with an outset of treatment, that is, they have intrinsic resistance, or they do respond the treatment at very beginning, but receiving the ability to withstand treatment during growth, which means they developed the acquired resistance[8]. preclinical tests also show that VEGF- target therapy has less effective stopping the establishment of tumor vessels[9].3)in breast cancer part, Phase 3 clinical trials of VEGF routes inhibitors shows partially sensitive answered in AAGT[10] this conclusion could be verified by randomized trials in breast cancer, including four agents: metastatic 1st line, metastatic 2nd line and beyond, adjuvant and neo-adjuvant.[1] studies show that there is no significant improvement in overall survival(OS) and partially improved the progression-free survival(PFS), Bear HD et al.[11] and von Minckwitz G et al.[12] found that Doxorubicin/docetaxel/ cyclophosphamide  ±bevacizumab and Epirubicin/docetaxel/Cyclophosphamide  ± bevacizumab ) treatment in HER-2 negative population can improve the complete response rate in pathology at the primary endpoint. From what have been showed before, we can see that the AAGT does not works as effectively as we thought initially. But we can also find out that single agent given treatments are all failed, but the joint of the addition of bevacizumab agent to chemotherapy in HER2-negative transferred breast cancer(AVADO, RIBBON-1, and RIBBON-2) showed no improvement in OS, but PFS does, than chemotherapy[1]. It results from the limitations of AAGT showed in fig 3[13]. And these failures and limitation give us a new direction of anti-angiogenic remedy in breast cancer rather than laying into the non-effective situation at present. On the other hand, in the last ten years, HER2-directed therapy has already been a mature remedy of curing HER-2-positive breast cancer which is the most common type. And new delivery of chemotherapeutic agent choosing such as monoclonal antibodies, small molecule inhibitors, and antibody-drug conjugates are also an aspect of improving the efficacy and effectiveness of drugs no matter in which type of treatment including AAGT. Future direction By addition to some herbal medicine or other kinds of drugs, AAGT may also show the huge potential in curing breast cancer[14] in the future, for reducing the toxicity and resistance of present drugs. In my opinion, even the AAGT shows almost nothing in present preclinical trials, and some studies found herbal medicine could help reduce the toxicity during the treatment, Chinese traditional treatment including traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture etc could be used as an Adjuvant, or the combination of chemotherapy, that is, all the limitation could help to search the really useful and effective treatment not only in breast cancer but also changing AAGT into an available, operative and profitable remedy.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Field Of Human Resource Management Essay - 1543 Words
Executive Summary Several studies in the field of Human Resource Management concentrate on the importance of a Human Resources Business Partner to the organisation’s performance. Bredin (2008) notes a shift from traditional to strategic Human Resources Management and the implications for the organisation. Ulrich (1997) suggested how Human Resource Management and the role of a Human Resources Business Partner can contribute to an organisation’s competitive advantage. The objective of this literature review is to provide a reasonable understanding regarding the various roles and structures in Human Resources. It looks at changes, barriers, challenges and the implication of those changes faced by a Human Resources Business Partner when moving into the role of strategic business partner. Adding value to the organisation’s strategic outcomes by knowing the business and applying their knowledge to implement change. Introduction Business today is competitive and driven by a precipitous market, retention of talent, new technologies and globalisation. To effectively cope with market changes, an organisation must build on improving their workforce proficiencies and thereby improving the organisation’s ability to be competitive, successful and build business continuity. And this is where the role of a HRBP has come into play to ensure that an organisation has strategies and abilities to overcome changes and challenges. HRBP is a business centred model developed to ensure supportShow MoreRelatedHuman Resource Management : The Field Of Human Resources1159 Words  | 5 PagesHuman Resource Management My desired career is that of a human resource generalist. The field of a human resource generalist is responsible for the recruitment, new employee orientation, on-boarding and off-boarding, and prepares and maintain employee handbook of the organization’s workforce. 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Friday, December 13, 2019
Pans Labyrinth Analysis Free Essays
Visual Cues, Harassed Symbolism and the Grim Fantasy Unlike other blissfully enchanted film genres, this evocative fairytale becomes a surreal escape into the work of Guillermo Del Toro. This chilling story confines make believe verses reality through the eyes of a young girl. Two worlds are represented within Pan’s Labyrinth, a cold hard fascist regime in Spain, and a captivating fantasyland both conveyed through visual story telling. We will write a custom essay sample on Pans Labyrinth Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now The striking surrealism of the fantasy world becomes reflections in reality, providing small visual cues that increase as the story unfolds, unveiling a grim interaction between Ophelia and the new world she has encountered. The style becomes the narrative within the film, and the use of mise-en-scene assists the films explicit meaning, by providing connections between the merging worlds. Del Toro uses standard and non-standard approaches in film, which speaks to the audience either intentionally or through the sub conscious, so the contrast of reality and imagination is rendered. The style throughout Pan’s Labyrinth is essential for creating dramatic dynamic throughout the film; the attention to detail becomes a fierce component to mise-en-scene, and harasses symbolism. In the beginning of the scene, Ofelia walks toward the camera in pursuit of the little creature she seen during her travels. The facial expression is bewildering, however she wants to learn more. The aspiration to study new ideas can be seen physically while she seizes onto her books, meanwhile helpers unload her other items. The grasp on her books becomes the distinguisher between make believe and reality. As Ofelia moves towards the camera, she drops her stack of books, implying that she has let go of her reality to track the small inquisitive creature. During this, men are walking around in uniform, emphasizing the strict, bleakness and harsh reality of Ofelias new circumstance. Men lined in a row suggest that this new place is in order, with routine that shall not be disturbed and certainly no place for a wandering imagination. As Ofelia runs toward the forest, she is running towards her new destiny, juxtaposing her willingness to escape, fleeing her new reality. Upon her arrival into the forest, the labyrinth is introduced for the first time. Dark shadows are casted among the rock representing the certain unknown that will be faced. The first pathway leading into the Labyrinth is brightly lit, as to appear welcoming and warming. The dissimilarity between the darkness of the gateway and the lightness of the path can be inferred as a certain warning, some danger will be introduced before the underworld can be reached. As Ofelia walks towards the entrance, taking small, slow steps, the feeling becomes an automatic switch from reality to fantasy, and a sense of falling down the rabbit hole arises. The entrance into the Labyrinth appears untouched, with moss and shrubs growing over the walls, a clear contrast from the cruel sadistic community ran by the Captain. The walls appear to be weathered and diminishing in time, the time it has taken to find the lost princess. The serenity of the space develops into a piece of tranquility from the outside world paired with an illusion of hope for Ofelia, a new escape she will soon learn of. Throughout Pan’s Labyrinth, shallow color is used with a lot of grey and neutral tones casted in the real world, compared to the rich feast of colors in the underworld. During this sequence however, the two worlds have not yet been distinguished, so the color differentiation is subtle, warm colors are used that provide a sense of comfort. Dark shadows are casted among the walls making the unknown prevalent to the viewer, directing our eye down the dark path that leads further into the Labyrinth. These colors suggest a belonging for Ophelia, a place where she is wanted back. This feeling never goes away for Ofelia, she engages in different levels to get a chance at her new life in the fantasy world. Becoming homesick for a place she has never been or remembers. The clothing plays a role in sustaining the mise-en-scene in this film. Ofelia is dressed in drab clothing along with her mother. Fabricating the lifestyle from which they came from, and a disparity that is latched onto them when being brought to this new home. They instantly become the outsiders from the beginning, largely recognized during the panning shot of the camp while Ofelia becomes more intrigued by the fairies return. Tight, uniformed men lined up in a row contrasted against a young curious, dowdy girl. The style of clothing not only distinguishes the relationship between the newcomers, Ofelia and her Mother, to the military camp, but also positions an extra connection between Ofelia and Mercedes. As Mercedes arrives to explain the Labyrinth to Ofelia, her clothes are ordinary and dull much like that of Ofelia. The dissimilar impression that Mercedes has from the camp appeals to Ofelia, and a relationship is bonded. The clothing becomes a staple into the closeness that these two characters will later share. This relationship is not only choice of style, rather the desire for an escape. When the solider comes up and asks for Mercedes, despair reaches across her face as she turns around, placing Ofelia in the background of the shot, but quickly the young girl reaches back up to Mercedes, sustaining their relationship has began. Trust has started to build when Ofelia explains the relationship or lack of one with the Captain, as Mercedes wraps her arm around Ofelia, completing the security of their relationship. These small visual cues help the viewer establish ideas, which the Story may soon lead into. Becoming aware of these chosen elements can help viewers foresee story components. Mise-en- scene formulates the style as a form of story telling. Guillermo Del Toro approach is surreal and provides a lot of stylistic choice in compelling this masterfully crafted fairytale. Pan’s Labyrinth becomes less about the explicit meaning; yet rather the implied visual indicators leads the viewer to reflect more about the significance then the story. How to cite Pans Labyrinth Analysis, Essay examples
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